Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Half-versary!

I’m a sucker for an anniversary. I’m a girl, after all. I’m celebrating a blog half-versary. Caffeinated Autism Mom is now officially 6 months old! I can hardly believe it. Where has the time gone?
I thought I would take a moment to reminisce and see how far the blog has come since January.
I started this whole crazy idea of a blog with a post entitled, “Special Needs and Gifted.” I told you about how I was applying for Monkey to test for the highly capable program in our school district and what it meant to possibly have a twice exceptional child. The update to that story is that we got back his testing results and he did not qualify for the program. So, we continue on as usual. This does not change the fact that Monkey is wicked smart and we’ll continue challenging him the best we can at home.   
A few days after that initial post I described my intentions for the blog in, “Me, me, me, Monday!” I introduced you to my family, told you about how I hoped things would work around here, and how often I would post new content. I gotta tell ya, I think I’ve been keeping up my end of the bargain. What do you think?
I’ve done a lot more in 6 months than I thought I could even do in the first year. Off the top of my head, I’ve guest posted, I gave the page a facelift from its original look (and trust me, I’m NO artist), had a radio interview, made lots of great blogger friends, and even won a mommy award. And, I am actually surprised that coming up with stuff to write about day after day has not been that hard. Apparently I have a lot to talk about. I get that from my mom (and as much as he disagrees with me, my dad, too). :-)

I have a feeling that the next 6 months will be full of more great surprises, too. Only time will tell.  
For now, I’m redefining my intentions for the rest of the summer. It’s a bit more difficult to write when my kids are always with me and we are staying up later because of the longer days. I don’t get as much time to myself as I would like, and I’m thinking that I should cut myself down to 2 to 3 blog posts a week until the boys start school again in September. I think my brain will thank me. And, you never know, I may find the time to write more. It’s possible.
So, I hope you will join me in my more relaxed schedule for the summer. I don’t think I even know the meaning of the word “relax” anymore. Yikes. I need a nap. Is it fall yet?
Oh, and one more thing…a very important detail I don’t want to forget. I am so very happy you have joined me for this ride. I am thankful for all of my fabulous readers! Each one of you.
Now, get out there and share my blog with your friends! See the Like, Tweet, and Share buttons at the bottom of this post? Click on them! Let’s get more people on the caffeinated bandwagon. Don’t forget to “Like” Caffeinated Autism Mom on Facebook. Thanks for the love, people.
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