The reason 13 is getting some love from me today is because it’s my 13th anniversary of being married to the most amazing man on the planet. Yes, he is that awesome.
This past weekend he did something that had me reminiscing about when he proposed to me 14 years ago. On Saturday, I was attending a conference all day and had switched cars with my husband before I left that morning. I had collected a few things during the morning that I didn’t want to lug around all afternoon, so during the lunch break I opted to run out to the car to drop those things off.
As I got closer to his car, I noticed directly across from it there was a car that looked remarkably like mine. I was justifying in my head that it couldn’t possibly by my car since my hubby was out running errands while he had the boys at a recreational program for a couple of hours that morning.
I started really focusing on the back window of the car that had piqued my interest. I saw there were 2 stickers in the back window, and the colors and sizes of the stickers were a match. I had actually stopped walking so I could more intently stare at the car. It was my car! Then I started walking very quickly to see if there was a way to see from my vantage point whether or not my hubby was in the driver’s seat. He wasn’t. I dropped off my stuff and fumbled around hastily in my purse for my cell phone so that I could call my husband and figure out what was going on. I was looking around wildly, kind of like a person who is trying to find the hidden camera when they’ve been told, “Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!” I didn’t see him and he wasn’t picking up the phone. I tried calling him again as I stood there wondering where to go next.
I opted to walk toward where the catered lunch was taking place, hoping I would either run into him on the way or connect with him on the phone. He finally picked up the phone and I happily inquired, “I saw my car in the parking lot! Where are you?” He was coy with his responses as I tried to pull information out of him. As I uttered my location, there he was.
I was in shock and giddy with excitement. He nonchalantly kept talking with me on the phone as we walked toward each other. I was so elated by the surprise, I was practically giggling. As we got closer, we hung up our cell phones and came together for an enormous hug (and, yes, there was a bit of smooching, too!). As we continued walking, holding hands, I could not wipe the grin off my face. I was practically skipping down the sidewalk because I was so happy to see him.
In those moments on Saturday I felt just like I did almost 14 years ago when we were dating. Christmas break was getting close and we were beginning to prepare for another round of finals as we began to prepare for graduation in the spring. His college was over an hour away from mine, so he was the last person I ever expected to see on my campus. He surprised me as I was coming out of my last class of the day, and I think I must have gasped quite loudly at seeing him so unexpectedly. He asked me to join him because he had somewhere he needed to drive me. I was dumbfounded but readily agreed to go with him.
As it turns out, he had planned to propose. He took me to a very special, picturesque place. The sun had just set and we were standing there looking at the water. He gave me a beautiful card with a handwritten letter. After I finished reading everything he asked me to marry him. Obviously I said yes! It was the best decision I ever made, that’s for sure.
From there, we went to my dad’s work. Apparently on Titan’s drive down to pick me up from class, he had stopped by my dad’s job to ask him for my hand in marriage. My dad was in a meeting when Titan arrived, and his coworkers would not cooperate with his request for a moment to speak with my dad. So, I waited in the car while he went to have his man-to-man chat with my dad.
To this day, neither my dad nor my husband will discuss what they talked about in those moments. They have a wonderful relationship, so I imagine it was a very serious discussion, but also one that is sacred and special between them. At the conclusion of their talk, Titan asked my dad if he would like to see the ring. My dad agreed that he would, so Titan came back out to the car and asked me to come in with him. He walked me in and held out my hand so that my dad could see the ring on my finger.
Even after 13 years of marriage my husband can still make me feel like he did when he proposed to me. I am continually amazed at how lucky I am to have such a wonderful man in my life. God brought us together for many reasons, and I am happy to learn all about those reasons with each passing day and year. I wouldn’t be where I am today without his unwavering support and love.
Here’s to a fabulous and very lucky 13!
P.S. It’s my anniversary and I’m giving away a gift! J Today is the day I announce the winner of the Big Giveaway! I will post the lucky person's name on Facebook.