I feel like I've taken a forced blog vacation the past few weeks! With the insane ice storm, snow days, broken trees, power outages, and more recently the revolving door of stomach flu, I'm one tired girl. I've barely been on Facebook and Twitter! Have you missed me? I hope you don't all think I've moved away!
Anyway, in the past week I've been steadily hovering around Level 3 of my Pyramid of Crazy - the "Rubber Room, Reservation for 1" level. Have I ever mentioned that I need an assistant? I'd take a week in quiet solitude on a tropical island, too.
But, amidst all of these things, I've been busy working on my nonprofit and various projects related to it. One blog post in particular has been in the forefront of my mind because it relates to a new program I'm working on. I wrote the Welcome to Holland poem post back in April and I thought it deserved a revisit. Not only has it been in my thoughts, it's still a pretty popular post around these parts.
Have you ever read the "Welcome to Holland" poem? Have you ever considered changing the location of the poem to Beirut? Sometimes getting a diagnosis can feel like you walked into a war zone.
Check out my Holland post and then tell me which version of the poem is your favorite.