My little dude is getting so big! This week marked a big milestone for Prince Charming! We took the training wheels off of his bicycle and he rode his little heart out. He used to have vertical insecurity. He was scared of being off of the ground, climbing ladders, and riding bikes. For quite a while he would only ride a Big Wheel style tricycle because it felt more secure with 3 wheels that were close to the ground. Well, he's come a long way! As he was getting used to riding without training wheels, there were some shaky moments where fear crept up and caused him to forget to brake or made him too scared to turn the handlebars because of the chance of falling. He took a couple of minor spills, but he didn't meltdown or quit. Considering he had been having an attitude problem earlier that afternoon, his lack of frustration was remarkable. He kept going and he did it! We are so proud of him. We celebrated by going out to purchase a new kickstand for his bike and we installed it that night. He was thrilled!